Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wheeee! It's the holiday season!
To be honest, I am thoroughly enjoying the holiday season this year. LivingPlaying is busy, busy, busy. And the fun part for me has been the customer phone calls! As an online retailer, I don't get to interact with the customer as much as I would like. I certainly receive emails (and love to get them!) but nothing replaces talking with a customer "in person". Grandparents call and tell me about their adorable grandkids. Moms call and whisper their orders over the phone so their brood doesn't bag them and --oops!--so much for that Santa Clause person! Dads call--with a list from mom--and can I just tell you that they are really happy to hear that I offer free gift wrap and a card? The bottom line for me, though, is that selling and buying toys is a happy business to be in. It's fun to buy an incredibly cool block set, or trailer truck handmade in Maine with real, wooden logs, or dollhouse that is really beautiful!
So, thank you customers! You've made this season really fun! And because I'm feeling all Christmassy and whatnot, please use this little coupon code--HappyHolidays08--to take 5% off of your orders between now and December 14th!
Happy Holidays!
(p.s. Please remember that coupon codes can't be combined! Thanks!)
Friday, August 15, 2008 having technical difficulties
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and hope to be back up and running ASAP!
Jen Grinnell
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Fabulous Contest! Win a FREE Custom Shoe Portrait

Okay, file this under Cool Stuff! You know how--way back when--parents would bronze their baby's first shoes? Who does that anymore? Nobody. Well, maybe somebody, but I don't know them ;) Anyway, here is a super hip upgrade on that milestone marker: a custom painting of your child's first shoes--or first ballet shoes, mary janes, baseball cleats, Roobeez, etc. Cool, huh?! Alisha K. Ard is a fine artist who paints photo-realistic portraits of children's shoes. Sometimes they are pair that speak to a particular childhood milestone or accomplishment, or simply just tug at her client's heart. These wonderfully rendered paintings become not only unique nursery decor but a really precious heirloom.

Friday, May 2, 2008
In An Era of Distractions, Let's Encourage Pretend Play
- Play almost exclusively with children their age and don't have older child "play mentors."
- Are heavily involved in adult-led activities and are unable to practice unstructured make-believe play with other children.
- Watch more t.v., play more video games and spend less time outside and are becoming passive both in mind and body.
So, what can we, as parents, do to change the social scaffolding that are children's lives have become attached to? The good news is that there is much we can do--whether your child is a 1 year old or 10 year old.
First of all, let's look at our own choices as parents. Putting our kids into activities like karate or gymnastics or math clubs aren't bad things to do. They are enrichment activities which are fun for kids and keep them active. What we as parents need to understand, however, is that unstructured pretend play is not "doing nothing." And it is just--if not more--important than playing both baseball and soccer. Make-believe play encourages higher symbolic thinking and the development of self-regulation (i.e. planning skills and impulse control). These cognitive and social-emotional skills are learned while children act out ideas and stories while using different props. (As an aside, this is another reason why reading to your children is so important. Having a library of stories in their heads to draw upon gives them a jumping off point for play activities and allows them to make up alternate versions of the story lines.) We need to choose to give our children the time and space to learn and exercise these skills.
So, what can we do? The following short articles written in 2008 by D.J. Leong and E. Bodrova--originators in the Tools of the Mind program--offer suggestions that parents can use to encourage mature play at home and in playgroups.
The first article, Make Believe Play at Home, breaks down the needs of children by age, noting that whereas children who are between the ages of 3-5 generally need help thinking up ideas of what to pretend, children who are between the ages of 1-3 don't know how to pretend play if no one shows them! They list simple ideas in bullet point form to help you understand what your role should be--and should not be--when encouraging make-believe play.
The second article, Mature Play Skills in Playgroups, encourages parents to invite over children of different ages, gives ideas for kick-starting the group and dealing with a very active group of children that will still encourage self-regulation.
I hope these articles are helpful! And please leave comments with any of your thoughts and suggestions on how to encourage our children to play creatively!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Learning to Play?
As it turns out, the theory behind the curricula is rooted in the belief that today children play very differently than they did when I was a child in the late 60s and 70s. Where at the age of 4 I walked out the door with my older brother and sister to join in the neighborhood kids’ game of kickball or pretend “school,” children today are highly circumscribed in their movements (allow my 4 year old to roam the neighborhood with the big kids? No way.) They spend a lot more time safely indoors with adult supervision—in a daycare or karate class with children exactly their age, or at home with the TV or some other type of electronic entertainment endlessly looping. So, whereas I learned “mature” play skills from older children in the neighborhood, children today are missing out on what we all took for granted: multi-age interaction and interaction that isn’t being regulated by an adult.
And what do many children do today in their "spare time?" Music and Movement class? Adult-led. Karate? Adult-led. Art class? Gymnastics? Baseball? All adult-led. All of these extra-curricular activities require the child to listen to an adult, and, essentially, be regulated by an adult. And although the classes are stimulating and beneficial in specific ways, children are not practicing how to self-regulate as they would during make-believe play with other children. Older children—referred to as “play mentors” by child specialists—model more mature and creative play that engages symbolic thinking, exercises the executive brain functions (i.e., planning, rule acquisition, ability to control impulses) and leads to mature self-regulating behaviors. With all of the enrichment classes and scheduled same-age play dates, the opportunities for children to learn mature play skills from older children are few and far between. The basic emotional and cognitive skills that we took for granted while playing with the neighborhood kids aren't being learned by a whole generation of children.
Over the years I've noticed that my older son--who has sensory integration difficulties and trouble self regulating-- plays more calmly and with more purpose when he is with an older playmate. It is interesting to note that processing sensory information is done in the executive regions of the brain. Would my son benefit from a more make-believe play time? Possibly, but I think that he might benefit from make-believe play time with more mature play mentors. Since he is my oldest child, he doesn't have the opportunities that my younger children have to learn from a bigger kid. Except that when it comes down to it, I'm a big kid. I'm not as good as an 8 year old boy, but I can certainly fill in some gaps.
Stay tuned for suggestions on how you can find opportunities for your child to engage in make-believe play both with other kids and at home.
Monday, March 24, 2008
How does a mermaid tail promote social and language skills?
Pretend or dramatic play is a complex process which takes root at about 1 to 2 years old, but becomes more obvious and interactive past the age of 3. Where a 2 year old might imitate his parents actions (i.e. cooking or cleaning) a 4 year old will include props and other children in his more complicated scenario (a dinner party). Children practice and learn developmental skills through play. They learn how to interact with other children and adults while engaging in pretend play.
But how would a costume aid in social and language skills? When children try on or create costumes, they are trying on the rules and personas of the world around them. They get to decide how to use a costume to express themselves. They can create roles and rules for others. But in order to do these things, children need to learn how to successfully respond to or communicate feelings or wishes. In other words, kids need to use their words or body to make themselves understood.
In addition, as children explore a fantasy, they also have the opportunity to seek out the language to express that fantasy. This is where parental verbal support aids in development. Your child says "Mommy, I'm a mermee! I can swim!" and you say "Oh! Are you a mermaid? Do you live in the ocean? Do you have scales on your tail?" And the child's fantasy is enriched by your encouragement and suggestions. You hear her use the word scales and listen as she tells you that hers are magical and help her swim faster in the ocean. Her playdate is now her mermaid sister and they are searching for a place to live.
Makes you want to be a kid again, doesn't it? :)
Thursday, February 7, 2008
On Parenting and the Detritus of Life
I find myself struggling to keep up with all of the moving parts of my children's lives. I'll bet lots of other parents do as well. But it never looks that way from the outside, does it? From where I stand, it seems that all of the other parents at my children's school are up-to-date with handing in forms and permission slips, effortlessly remember to bring in old milk jugs, egg cartons or other random recyclable craft project supplies, have the show-and-tell dates engraved on the inside of their arms and find the time to volunteer no matter what their busy schedule.
This is not me.
I would like to be that parent. I aspire to be that parent. But I am not that parent. I am that parent. You know, the other one.
Case in point: I completely forgot to hand in a recipe for my 4 year old's class cookbook. Just totally forgot. So, yesterday I receive the recipe book and I'm flipping through it feeling guilty. And then...the knife in the heart. I read:
From the Kitchen of Cooper G.
Recipe: Chicken Nuggets and French Fries
People at the french fry store make the french fries and chicken nuggets. Eat them when you get home. Dip the chicken nuggets and french fries into ketchup. Eat it and drink chocolate milk.
Oh...the humiliation...
Monday, January 28, 2008
What's new? Lots!
(And Pssst! Don't miss our special Winter Clearance Sale where you will find an assortment of creative play toys from 20-50% off!! Don't forget, with a $100 order we also ship UPS ground for FREE!)
What's New In Stock

Super fun project kits for kids 8+ which include adorable themed Rock Painting Kits. Cat & Mouse, Pirate & Treasure, Dragon & Castle. How fun is that??
Reg. Price: $9.99

This Layered Oak Leaf Puzzle depicts the beautiful transformations that occur during an Oak Leaf's life cycle, while using layers to enhance sorting, spatial placement and manual dexterity skills. Great hands-on learning tool!
Reg. Price: $16.99

In Classic Wooden Toys: In Stock!
The timeless Village of Towers Block Set is a carefully proportioned, open-ended block set comprised of 27 pieces that all nest into the largest 9 x 9 inch cube for easy storage. The set encourages freethinking and creativity, and helps develop an awareness of spatial placement.
Reg. Price: $59.99

Both Reg. Price: $12.99

Will you look at that face?! This is Pokey. And he is something special. You must come meet his friends.
Reg. Price: $34.99
Coming Soon!
Coming soon are some really special items for our Dress Up and Pretend Play categories. Each are handmade here in the USA by a talented young mother and designer. Here is a preview!

Valentine Postcard Set. This adorable hand-sewn postcard pair is the perfect Valentine's Day Play set for your little love! Send hugs and kisses over and over and over again!
Reg. Price: $14.99

The Mermaid Tail. What I love about this costume is how easy it is for kiddos to play. The tail ties around the waist with a grosgrain ribbon to accommodate many different sized mermaids and let them swim (run) free! Plus, it's washable!
Reg Price: $44.99
So stop by the store to check out our new cool stuff! And after next month, I will be adding even more new products after my annual visit to the New York Toy Fair in February (this is where toy manufacturers showcase their new product lines to buyers. Very fun!).
As always, feel free to drop a line if you don't see something that you would like to have, or, if you have questions about availability--or even if you just want to say "hi!" I would love to hear from you!
Take good care,
Toys & Games for Creative Play