Thursday, February 7, 2008

On Parenting and the Detritus of Life

Parenting is hard. That's not news, right?

I find myself struggling to keep up with all of the moving parts of my children's lives. I'll bet lots of other parents do as well. But it never looks that way from the outside, does it? From where I stand, it seems that all of the other parents at my children's school are up-to-date with handing in forms and permission slips, effortlessly remember to bring in old milk jugs, egg cartons or other random recyclable craft project supplies, have the show-and-tell dates engraved on the inside of their arms and find the time to volunteer no matter what their busy schedule.

This is not me.

I would like to be that parent. I aspire to be that parent. But I am not that parent. I am that parent. You know, the other one.

Case in point: I completely forgot to hand in a recipe for my 4 year old's class cookbook. Just totally forgot. So, yesterday I receive the recipe book and I'm flipping through it feeling guilty. And then...the knife in the heart. I read:


From the Kitchen of Cooper G.
Recipe: Chicken Nuggets and French Fries

People at the french fry store make the french fries and chicken nuggets. Eat them when you get home. Dip the chicken nuggets and french fries into ketchup. Eat it and drink chocolate milk.

Oh...the humiliation...

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